Country music, sunshine, fresh air, organizing, great food, my two favorite coffee cups.... all make for a wonderful day. It's just my dad and I at home as my mom is in MN helping my grandma and grandpa sort through things before their big move. Hope it's going well!
I started the morning with a great breakfast. An oatmeal raspberry scone, egg, and a mini bagel with Panera's hazelnut cream cheese and nutella. :)

The nutella put the good in good morning!
creamy, sweet, and perfectly chewy.

Served with fruit and 3 drinks... surprise surprise. A french press of my favorite coffee, milk, and OJ!

After sorting through
tons of paper, matboard, and old projects I started lunch. My dad and I were hungry and fajitas sounded great to both of us. This turned out to be a
killer lunch! The recipes/directions are below...
Marinade: 1 Tbsp
olive oil, 1/4 cup
coffee, 1/3 cup
lime and
lemon juice, 1 Tbsp
Worcestershire sauce, 1 Tbsp
brown suga, a shake of
red pepper flakes, 1 tsp
garlic, and 1/2 tsp
cumin. Whisk it all together.

Love you Mom! Check out that perfect heart.

Splash the marinade on the cut chicken
(I divided the full breast into 6 parts for maximum soakage-upage)
Next up: Homemade Guacamole!
Once the chicken had been marinating for a couple hours I chopped 1/2 a green pepper into small slender pieces, halved mushroom slices, and cut 1/2 an onion.

Toss them with olive oil, pepper, and garlic powder. Onto the grill they went once the chicken was nearly done.

This smelled amazing!! My dad
knows how to grill. just awesome!

Slice the chicken and assemble the troops.

How awesome does this look!?

Wrapped and cut. One fantastic lunch. I hope you try this soon! You won't be disappointed.
Even though it's warm out I am enjoying my hot chocolate and blogging. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday :)