Country music, sunshine, fresh air, organizing, great food, my two favorite coffee cups.... all make for a wonderful day. It's just my dad and I at home as my mom is in MN helping my grandma and grandpa sort through things before their big move. Hope it's going well!
I started the morning with a great breakfast. An oatmeal raspberry scone, egg, and a mini bagel with Panera's hazelnut cream cheese and nutella. :)
The nutella put the good in good morning!
creamy, sweet, and perfectly chewy.
Served with fruit and 3 drinks... surprise surprise. A french press of my favorite coffee, milk, and OJ!

After sorting through tons of paper, matboard, and old projects I started lunch. My dad and I were hungry and fajitas sounded great to both of us. This turned out to be a killer lunch! The recipes/directions are below...
Marinade: 1 Tbsp olive oil, 1/4 cup coffee, 1/3 cup lime and lemon juice, 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 Tbsp brown suga, a shake of red pepper flakes, 1 tsp garlic, and 1/2 tsp cumin. Whisk it all together.

Love you Mom! Check out that perfect heart.
Next up: Homemade Guacamole!
1 avocado, 1/2 tomato, juice from a lemon, 1/4 onion, s&p
Mash that beautiful avocado....
Add diced tomatoes and onions, along with s&p
and enjoy. This was great! I even got a "this is the best I've ever had" from my dad!

Once the chicken had been marinating for a couple hours I chopped 1/2 a green pepper into small slender pieces, halved mushroom slices, and cut 1/2 an onion.

Toss them with olive oil, pepper, and garlic powder. Onto the grill they went once the chicken was nearly done.
Even though it's warm out I am enjoying my hot chocolate and blogging. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday :)
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